
Psoriasis Drug Testing in vitro

페이지 정보

작성자 다일과학교역 작성일 2014-05-27 08:47:57


Psoriasis Drug Screening in vitro

​Need a fast and relaible pre-clinical assay for testing your new anit-psoriasis drug formulations?

​MatTek`s in vitro Psoriasis human tissue

model privides relevant, human data pre-

clinical drug screening.

​The Psoriasis Tissue Model is produced from human psoriatic cells that are reconstructed to form a highly differentiated skin tissue utilizing cutting edge cell culture technology. The tissue model contains keratinocytes and psoriatic fibroblasts which adopt a psoriatic phenotype evidenced by increased basal cell proliferation, and increased expression of psoriasis-associated biomarkers including HBD-2, Psoriasin, Elafin, IL-6, IL-8, GM-CSF, and IP-10.


​The Psoriasis Tissue Model is responsive to topical and systemic therapeutics including Calcipotriol, MG217 and Psoriasin Gel. 

​Advantage of the Psoriasis Model :

* Topical or systemic application of formulations or APIs

* Generate human relevant data assess true tissue response

* Cost- and time-effective tool to assess therapeutic efficacy ​